Friday, February 27, 2009

27th Feb, 2009

Part of the mess on my desk. I really should clean it. Maybe.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

26th Feb, 2009

I have loved Alice In Chains for years. When they announced the sideshow for Soundwave Festival, I jumped on the bandwagon.

They were loud. They played Would?. It took me back to the 90s; to grunge.

No-one could ever replace the unique talent that was Staley, but I thought DuVall was pretty awesome. The crowd went wild & I can't wait for their new album.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

25th Feb, 2009

A stray goat was brought in late last night. It greeted me as I arrived at work. It was very friendly. Its owners have claimed it. Yay for goaty.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

24th Feb, 2009

The steak I had at Rockpool Bar & Grill. It was amazing.

Monday, February 23, 2009

23rd Feb, 2009

The age old question: is it urine or apple juice?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

22nd Feb, 2009

The bonbonniere from Paige & Mike's wedding: chocolate hearts. Best.

21st Feb, 2009

Paige & Mike got married!

20th Feb, 2009

I woke up on Friday morning to find a blood spattered pillow. Turns out Kermit had torn a back claw out. Poor Shmooey.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

19th Feb, 2009

Om nom nom nom: baked tatie with kidney beans & corn. Great dinner.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

18th Feb, 2009

Today's shopping list, written on the back of my hand.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

17th Feb, 2009

I bought this fabric from eBay & covered a blank canvas with it. This, along with two others covered in different, complementary fabric, adorn our hallway.

Monday, February 16, 2009

16th Feb, 2009

I would love to own every piece of clothing from Looking Glass. Alas, my budget doesn't stretch that far. I bought these dresses during their recent sale & had one of my best friends send them on to me from the UK. They arrived today.

Dorothy is on the left & Alice on the right.

15th Feb, 2009

Felt like arse all day. This poster hangs in our hallway. I love it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

14th Feb, 2009

Male stripper arse. Thankfully covered. Men in g-strings is so not attractive.

13th Feb, 2009

In honour of Paige's hen's, Desi & I made 2 penis cakes. This was vanilla with pink food colouring. God this looks wrongtown. But tasty!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

12th Feb, 2009

I could waste so much time just looking at the clouds.

Late this afternoon they were back lit by the sun & the light was amazing.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

11th Feb, 2009

It's our 3 year anniversary today (yay!). We treated ourselves to a delicious meal at Paris Go in Carlton.

Unfortunately I felt too exposed to take any photos of our meals, so this bill poster in a nearby alley is today's offering.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10th Feb, 2009

Driving home from the shops on a lovely Melbourne day (apart from the gusty breeze).

Monday, February 9, 2009

9th Feb, 2009

My standard lunch these days: boiled egg, lettuce, carrot & 'mato wrap. Dericious!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

8th Feb, 2009

Goodies for Paige's hen's night. Most will be used for pass the parcel. We bought:

- Male nudie playing cards
- Kama Sutra playing cards
- Coffee mug with men that 'strip' when you pour hot water in
- Bride to Be badge
- Pecker salt & pepper shakers
- Bride to Be tiara
- Bride to be champagne glass & shot glass
- Pink pecker keyrings
- Moulded penis mobile phone holders

I want to rig pass the parcel so I win the nudie playing cards.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

7th Feb, 2009

We sweltered through 46 degrees today in Melbourne. The hottest day ever.

When the cool change came through, we ducked outside to enjoy the few drops of rain that accompanied it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

6th Feb, 2009

How now brown couch.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

5th Feb, 2009

I couldn't choose just one of these photos for today's entry.

These kittens are being fostered till they weigh in at 700g (they're only 650g at the moment).

I am resisting peer pressure to adopt them - can you imagine how much fun they'd be, though?! - I think Kermit would have a coronary.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

4th Feb, 2009

Allow me to introduce you to Lulu.

Lulu spent the afternoon in the air conditioned comfort of my office; she belongs to a workmate & has been unwell. I fed her Schmackos. I could smell her bad breath halfway across the office. Poor Lulu.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3rd Feb, 2009

From Lisa, aka Craps London. It's been snowing like a mother trucker over there & this was in response to warning her not to eat the brown snow (never mind the yellow).

Monday, February 2, 2009

2nd Feb, 2009

Spent most of the day in bed, sick. Kermit kept me company.

It was either another photo of Kermit, or one of the ants that have infiltrated the bedroom. Woe.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

1st Feb, 2009

All my goodies ready for sewing class. I want a navy skirt, so figured that making one would be the best thing.

31st Jan, 2009

Page 243 of High Five by Janet Evanovich.

I think it's my favourite piece of dialogue ever.